Crystal Falls
Content © 2025 Crystal Falls Township. All rights reserved. Physical Address: 1384 W US 2, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 Mailing address P.O. Box 329, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 Crystal Falls Township: (906) 875-3062 ext 3
Website Design by North Country Website Design.

Public Works

Crystal Falls Township

Randy Bucek, Foreman 1384 W. US 2; P. O. Box 329 Crystal Falls, MI 49920 Phone: (906) 284-3397 Public Works Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM-3:00 PM

Water Quality Reports

2023 Water Quality Report 2022 Water Quality Report 2021 Water Quality Report 2020 Water Quality Report 2019 Water Quality Report To see Water Quality Reports for years 2015 and before, email Randy Bucek, Crystal Falls Township Foreman.

PFSA MDEQ State Municipal Sampling

PFSA MDEQ State Municipal Sampling

Public Works Services

Water Tap Charges:

$250.00 for 3/4 inch service $450.00 for 1 inch service $650.00 for greater than 1 inch service The consumer is responsible for the crossing of a service line cost on a Hwy/road. The Township will contribute $250.00 towards such expenses. All water service lines must be of approved size and materials. Contact the Public works before installation. Any galvanized water service line needed to be replaced by October 30, 2008 to comply with Crystal Falls Townships Water Ordinance.

Water Meter Service:

In the event a water meter fails to register properly, the water superintendent is empowered to estimate the quantity of water used based on former consumption and the Township shall charge any consumer accordingly. Any consumer can desire to have his/her water meter tested, he/she shall deposit with the water superintendent a fee as determined by the Township. The fee will be returned if it is determined the meter is at fault. A meter that produces an annoying noise will be repaired by the Dept. of Public Works at no expense to the consumer.

Sewer Tap Charges:

A basic sewer tap/connection fee is $450.00

Private Repairs:

In the event of an emergency, all work performed by the Dept. of Public Works (beyond the curb stop or right of way of a service line or sewer lateral) shall be at the rate of $30.00 per hour for each township employee and $60.00 per hour for backhoe/excavator along with material charges.

Garbage and Recycling


Cost of Garbage Tag (sticker): $3.25 (Tags can be placed on their own bag of choice) Purchase Sites: o Crystal Falls Township Hall office (Crystal Falls, MI) o Crystal Fresh Market (Crystal Falls, MI) o Super One Foods (Iron River, MI) Pickup days & Locations: o Garbage pickup is on Monday and Tuesday per the below routes provided there is no Monday holiday (Memorial Day and Labor Day). If so, then sanitation pickup occurs one day late for each day. If a holiday falls during the week, check the website calendar for dates. o Monday: East M-69 and all side roads. Runkle Lake area, West Harrison Ave, Odgers Location, Carpenter Mine Rd., Tobin Location, US 2, Bible Camp Rd., Idlewild Rd., and Long Lake area. o Tuesday: New Bristol Location, Lind District, Hwy. 141 North to Light Lake area, Warner Mine Rd., Gibson Lake area, Swan Lake area and Paint River Rd Spring and Fall Cleanup Schedule: o Dates for the cleanup are announced a few weeks prior to the event, and will be announced in the Iron County Reporter, posted at the township hall and also on the website. o The spring cleanup is usually held in late April and early May. o The fall cleanup is held one Saturday in October.


Where & When o Drop off items behind the township hall building. An attendant will assist you with your items. Recycle day is the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 AM-3:00 PM. Items do not have to be separated prior to being dropped off.

Accepted Items for Recycling

Plastic o Only plastics with a #1 or #2 located on the bottom of the plastic bottles or jugs. Look on bottom of plastic for recyclable number. o Opening must be smaller than the bottom of the container. o All containers must be rinsed clean. o Remove all lids and caps. Glass o Bottles must be rinsed clean. o Remove all lids and caps. Cans o Cans must be rinsed clean. o It is not necessary to remove labels. Paper and Cardboard o Books, card-stock, cartons, envelopes, newspaper, magazines, and paper.

Non-Accepted / Trash Items

Plastics o Do not recycle any plastic bottles with codes #3 or #7. No motor oil or antifreeze containers. No pesticide or herbicide containers. No cooking oil bottles, microwave containers, yogurt or cheese containers, Styrofoam, or plastic caps or lids. No medical containers. No plastic bags, containers, buckets or banding. Glass o Do not recycle lids, caps, drinking glass, ceramic, clay dishes, ovenware, opaque glass, lab glass, windows or windshield glass. Cans o Do not recycle aerosol cans, paint cans, pot or pans, car parts, nails, screws, metal rods, or small appliances. Trash o The following are examples of household trash and cannot be recycled. Bathroom wastepaper (Facial and toilet), any color carbon paper, cellophane, cloth, cork, foil, food waste, window glass, metal, packaging materials, recording tape, wax coated cardboard and wax coated items (like candy wrappers, cups, fiberboard, labels, label packaging sheets, napkins, photographs, slides, transparencies).

Organic Waste Site

Button text 1 Emergency Services
Crystal Falls
Content © 2025 Crystal Falls Township. Physical Address: 1384 W US 2, Crystal Falls, MI Mailing address P.O. Box 329, Crystal Falls, MI Crystal Falls Township: (906) 875-3062 ext 3 Website Design by North Country Website Design.

Public Works

Crystal Falls Township

Randy Bucek, Foreman 1384 W. US 2; P. O. Box 329 Crystal Falls, MI 49920 Phone: (906) 284-3397 Public Works Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM- 3:00 PM

Water Quality Reports

2023 Water Quality Report 2022 Water Quality Report 2021 Water Quality Report 2020 Water Quality Report 2019 Water Quality Report To see Water Quality Reports for years 2015 and before, email Randy Bucek, Crystal Falls Township Foreman.

PFSA MDEQ State Municipal Sampling

PFSA MDEQ State Municipal Sampling

Public Works Services

Water Tap Charges:

$250.00 for 3/4 inch service $450.00 for 1 inch service $650.00 for greater than 1 inch service The consumer is responsible for the crossing of a service line cost on a Hwy/road. The Township will contribute $250.00 towards such expenses. All water service lines must be of approved size and materials. Contact the Public works before installation. Any galvanized water service line needed to be replaced by October 30, 2008 to comply with Crystal Falls Townships Water Ordinance.

Water Meter Service:

In the event a water meter fails to register properly, the water superintendent is empowered to estimate the quantity of water used based on former consumption and the Township shall charge any consumer accordingly. Any consumer can desire to have his/her water meter tested, he/she shall deposit with the water superintendent a fee as determined by the Township. The fee will be returned if it is determined the meter is at fault. A meter that produces an annoying noise will be repaired by the Dept. of Public Works at no expense to the consumer.

Sewer Tap Charges:

A basic sewer tap/connection fee is $450.00

Private Repairs:

In the event of an emergency, all work performed by the Dept. of Public Works (beyond the curb stop or right of way of a service line or sewer lateral) shall be at the rate of $30.00 per hour for each township employee and $60.00 per hour for backhoe/excavator along with material charges.

Garbage and Recycling


Cost of Garbage Tag (sticker): $3.25 (Tags can be placed on their own bag of choice) Purchase Sites: o Crystal Falls Township Hall office (Crystal Falls, MI) o Crystal Fresh Market (Crystal Falls, MI) o Super One Foods (Iron River, MI) Pickup days & Locations: o Garbage pickup is on Monday and Tuesday per the below routes provided there is no Monday holiday (Memorial Day and Labor Day). If so, then sanitation pickup occurs one day late for each day. If a holiday falls during the week, check the website calendar for dates. o Monday: East M-69 and all side roads. Runkle Lake area, West Harrison Ave, Odgers Location, Carpenter Mine Rd., Tobin Location, US 2, Bible Camp Rd., Idlewild Rd., and Long Lake area. o Tuesday: New Bristol Location, Lind District, Hwy. 141 North to Light Lake area, Warner Mine Rd., Gibson Lake area, Swan Lake area and Paint River Rd Spring and Fall Cleanup Schedule: o Dates for the cleanup are announced a few weeks prior to the event, and will be announced in the Iron County Reporter, posted at the township hall and also on the website. o The spring cleanup is usually held in late April and early May. o The fall cleanup is held one Saturday in October.


Where & When o Drop off items behind the township hall building. An attendant will assist you with your items. Recycle day is the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00 AM- 3:00 PM. Items do not have to be separated prior to being dropped off.

Accepted Items for Recycling

Plastic o Only plastics with a #1 or #2 located on the bottom of the plastic bottles or jugs. Look on bottom of plastic for recyclable number. o Opening must be smaller than the bottom of the container. o All containers must be rinsed clean. o Remove all lids and caps. Glass o Bottles must be rinsed clean. o Remove all lids and caps. Cans o Cans must be rinsed clean. o It is not necessary to remove labels. Paper and Cardboard o Books, card-stock, cartons, envelopes, newspaper, magazines, and paper.

Non-Accepted / Trash Items

Plastics o Do not recycle any plastic bottles with codes #3 or #7. No motor oil or antifreeze containers. No pesticide or herbicide containers. No cooking oil bottles, microwave containers, yogurt or cheese containers, Styrofoam, or plastic caps or lids. No medical containers. No plastic bags, containers, buckets or banding. Glass o Do not recycle lids, caps, drinking glass, ceramic, clay dishes, ovenware, opaque glass, lab glass, windows or windshield glass. Cans o Do not recycle aerosol cans, paint cans, pot or pans, car parts, nails, screws, metal rods, or small appliances. Trash o The following are examples of household trash and cannot be recycled. Bathroom wastepaper (Facial and toilet), any color carbon paper, cellophane, cloth, cork, foil, food waste, window glass, metal, packaging materials, recording tape, wax coated cardboard and wax coated items (like candy wrappers, cups, fiberboard, labels, label packaging sheets, napkins, photographs, slides, transparencies).

Organic Waste Site
